Call Center Coaching: a Guide on How to Help Agents Thrive
Discover the essentials of call center coaching, including agent training techniques, practical tips, and how MightyCall's call monitoring features can help.
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Discover the essentials of call center coaching, including agent training techniques, practical tips, and how MightyCall's call monitoring features can help.
Considering how competitive the business landscape is and always has been, it’s incredibly important to have highly skilled call center agents. That’s why we welcome you to this detailed guide to contact center training. This guide covers everything ...
Inbound calls are of immense importance to call centers. However, understanding how to handle them in a way that will keep customers happy and loyal is of the utmost importance. This guide explains the meaning of inbound calling, why it is important,...
Outbound calling is integral to any marketing strategy for proactive client engagement and sales. Understanding how to implement it can significantly impact a company’s growth and customer relationships. In this guide, we will explore this type...
Need a business voicemail script for any occasion or a voicemail greeting you can download here and now? Here is your go-to guide.
In this article, we’ll be talking about the best conference calling services for your business.
A phone extension is a short internal number assigned to an employee, a project team, or a department of your main business number.
By installing the progressive dialer, you keep your call campaign train rolling with a constant stream of calls and engaged agents. Navigation: What is progressive dialing? How to set up a progressive dialer? Limitations Best practices for setting up...
Setting up predictive calling to help run your call campaign takes next to no time at all – and the benefits can be huge, including minimized downtime and increased agent efficiency. Navigation: What is predictive dialing? How to set up a predi...
By setting up preview calling, you are putting more power into your agents’ hands, allowing them to personalize the calls they’re about to make while still automating the process. Navigation: What is preview dialing? How to set up a preview dialer? L...
Call center monitoring continuously evaluates interactions between agents and customers to meet service standards and exceed customer expectations. Monitoring helps organizations identify areas for improvement, provide thorough staff training, and ul...
When managing a call center, picking the right tool for making phone calls can make a big difference in your team’s success. Power dialers and predictive dialers are two popular choices, but they work best in different situations. This guide wi...
Need a business voicemail script for any occasion or a voicemail greeting you can download here and now? Here is your go-to guide.
A phone extension is a short internal number assigned to an employee, a project team, or a department of your main business number.
Ensure your automated phone menu helps your customers, instead of infurates them!
How can you avoid boring, generic messages and opt for creative, funny voicemail greetings that will engage callers? Let's find out!