Put an End to Robocalls
Billions of robocalls means millions of hours wasted, and that isn’t a statistic you want to be included in. We explain how to stop robocalls.
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Billions of robocalls means millions of hours wasted, and that isn’t a statistic you want to be included in. We explain how to stop robocalls.
Using great voice greetings together with a virtual phone system will create the kind of customer experience that people will remember for the right reasons.
What to consider when choosing music on hold? How to use on-hold time to your advantage?
During the economic boom of the mid 2000s, the hourly rate at some of the top law firms soared above $1,000. When the recession hit, clients began to push back demanding that their attorneys cut their hourly rates or provide discounts. Client demands...
Does your outgoing voicemail greeting message turn off customers and prospects? Or does it compel them to engage with your company? It’s an important question to consider, and here’s why: Up to 82 percent of people calling businesses will hang up ins...
Introduction If someone calls your home during the day, they’re usually not too surprised if you don’t answer the phone — since most people work during the day. Consequently, when someone does call your home, he/she probably doesn’t mind leaving a vo...
Updated: 2017.02.14 This article covers: What an interactive voice response is and how it works; What benefits IVR provides to business; How to create a professional voice menu; MightyCall’s virtual phone number ― an option to consider 5 steps to a p...
Is your customer service completely inbound? If so, you’re missing a big opportunity to grow your business through outbound customer care. And chances are, your competitors are already ahead of you in the game. Here’s what you need to know.
Updated on 2017.01.31 In this article, we cover: why a virtual phone number service is a must for the hotel business; how a virtual receptionist helps to save time and effort; how to use a business phone system for hotel promotion; why MightyCall vir...
A Comcast customer retention service rep recently showed the world how not to talk to customers on the phone. The recorded conversation between the Comcast customer and service rep went viral partly because so many people have had miserable customer ...
So you are all on board with having a virtual phone system and a professional voice greeting help you make the best first impression possible with your customers. Great! You aren’t quite sure if you are going to record your own greetings to sound mor...
Yesterday, we shared a post for those of you who decided that it would be a good idea to take the DIY approach to recording your on-hold voice greeting. However, to gain instant credibility, a professional voice actor is hard to beat, and there are ...
Need a business voicemail script for any occasion or a voicemail greeting you can download here and now? Here is your go-to guide.
A phone extension is a short internal number assigned to an employee, a project team, or a department of your main business number.
Ensure your automated phone menu helps your customers, instead of infurates them!
How can you avoid boring, generic messages and opt for creative, funny voicemail greetings that will engage callers? Let's find out!