VIP & Block List Call Routing
What is this feature?
Every business has certain callers they like to keep separate for positive or negative reasons. Some callers are too important to miss, while others are too annoying to want to talk to. For those callers, MightyCall has VIP or Block list options built into the call routing system. You can create special lists for VIP numbers that can have their own “branch” of the call tree. An incredibly important client calling past closing hours, for example, can be directed to your personal number instead of being directed to a “Sorry, we’re closed” recording like other clients. Likewise, rude or spam calls can be automatically dropped when placed into the Block list.
Use Case
For example, you receive a lot of spam calls that annoy you. Blocklists can get rid of these, helping you to save time and cut down unwanted calls. Also, if you have a customer or someone from your employees that is very important, a VIP list helps them to omit the after-hours call routing and other call flow features, so your priority customers are answered on time.
Customer Review

Copy linkI like that you, MC, have a VIP list, it helps a lot in terms of communication with customers. I like your contact widget but no one really uses it. I like that when I receive a call on MightyCall mobile App, I know it’s a call from a customer and can pick it up in an appropriate way.