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Top 9 Ways Call Recording Can Help a Business

When people think about how to improve their business, they often overlook the little things. Of all the features MightyCall offers, call recording has a good argument as among the most useful.

For one, it’s a tool that will improve your company from the inside out. The benefits of call recording start with your team members and extend to customers and overall company growth.

Here’s how a seemingly little detail like call recording will improve your team management, boost productivity, facilitate customer service, and foster learning.

 10 Best Benefits of Using Call Recording

1. Capture details you might have missed or forgotten

When talking to customers, it’s vital to actively listen. Taking notes often helps people keep track of details and ideas, but doing so during a call can prevent you from actively listening. With call recording, you can give your full attention to any call and take notes later when replaying it. This helps ensure customers feel they’re truly being “heard” — a big part of providing a great customer experience.

Additionally, sometimes it’s difficult to make out what a customer is saying. They’re in a noisy environment, talking quickly, or speaking in a heavy accent. You can, and should, ask for clarification when needed, but having a record of the call that you can play back as many times as you want provides some insurance and the peace of mind that you won’t miss anything important.

2. Coach your team more effectively

By recording calls, you can hear how your team members speak to customers. It’s a fantastic opportunity for managers to help teams improve their communication skills and to provide tips on how to sell more effectively or how to offer better customer service and support. Anyone in your organization, from receptionists to top salespeople, can benefit from the kind of granular coaching and feedback managers can provide as a result of monitoring call recordings.

3. Get to know your customers

Call recordings help your marketing team better understand your company’s customer, or “buyer”, personas. A buyer persona is a stereotypical representation of your typical and/or target customers, such as a “Mid-20s Urban Professional.”

By listening to customer calls, your marketing team will learn how well the buyer personas they’ve developed measure up to your actual customers. Having a realistic understanding of buyer personas can make your marketing efforts much more efficient and impactful.

4. Enhance your product or service

By sharing call recordings with specific team members in product management or R&D, you can help them better understand how customers are using your product, what they like about it, and what could be better. All of this is invaluable (and free) information that can be translated into products and services that more effectively meet customer expectations.

5. Stay on the right side of the law

First off, it’s important to note that call recording is legal as long as there is an acknowledgment that it’s happening (whether by you telling someone or a pre-recorded message doing so).
MightyCall call recording settings
Otherwise, maintaining a database of recorded calls will help your business comply with legal, industry, and service-level compliance guidelines.

Recorded calls can help you resolve disputes or defend against litigation from unhappy customers and in some cases a voice recording can serve as a verbal contract.

Lawsuits and legal representation cost an arm and a leg, and hiring a lawyer can be financially crippling for anyone but the biggest companies. Considering most lawsuits brought against companies stem from miscommunication, having a hard record to help sort things out before lawyers get involved is a lifesaver.

6. Watch your words

It’s often said that it costs five to seven times more to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one. To keep customers, you need to provide excellent customer service (among other things). Like the old adage goes: sometimes it’s not what you say, but what you don’t say that really defines a conversation.

If you run a small business, chances are there’ll be some repeat customers who you may get to know. By listening to call recordings, you and your team can figure out what to avoid saying to certain customers so nobody’s feelings are hurt and you stay in everyone’s good graces.

7. Capture customer stories

Customers who call your company and glow about their experience using your product or service — why they chose it, how it’s helped them, and so on—are a godsend. Beyond the confidence boost you get, you may be able to use the content of those calls (with the customer’s approval) for a great “customer success story” for your marketing or advertising campaigns.

8. See how your customer service has evolved

By maintaining a database of call recordings, you can compare how your team communicates with customers today vs. how you communicated with them in the past. The differences can show where you’ve improved and where you still need work as well as how your business is growing — which can be motivating.

9. Quickly bring a customer service agent up to speed

If you operate as a solo entrepreneur or run a small business, it may be necessary to bring someone in from time to time to handle customer calls. Maybe you want to completely disconnect from a business while on vacation, or you’re too busy to handle customer calls effectively. These situations happen all the time. Sharing call recordings with new or temp workers helps bring them up to speed quickly on your customers’ needs and frequently asked questions, as well as how to handle them. Showing is always better than telling.

10. Keep an ear on technical issues

It’s easy to bring all the focus to solving a customer concern or problem, but sometimes you also need to analyze the technical aspects of your conversation with a cool head. Is the sound quality HD? How have your interactions technically evolved over a period of time? How well is your phone system technically adapted to things like quickly routing calls, adding consultative calls, sending the caller to another department, etc? Do you have recurring tech glitches with those things, or it’s fast and smooth? Keep in mind that call recording benefits extend into technical aspects and will help you technically improve your service.


Advantages of Call Recording for Business: All the Benefits in One Feature

At the end of the day, call recording is a small and inexpensive way to monitor your business and implement changes. It provides you with a wealth of data and there are numerous ways to practically apply that info.

If phone calls are a major component of your business and you’re not using call recording, you’re missing out on an easy opportunity to maximize your business practices. In today’s hypercompetitive business market, doing so is inexcusable.

MightyCall offers a simple-to-use call recording feature that already comes with pre-recorded messages for full legal compliance. This feature is completely automatic, so you won’t have to press buttons to record each and every call. Simply set it up once for inbound or outbound calls  — or both — and take advantage of all the above benefits automatically.

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