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Why Two are Better Than One: Getting a Second (Business) Number for Your Smartphone

Alright, so picture this: you’re going to the beach! Suns out, guns out; you’ve got your bathing suit on, your sunscreen, your towel and…your single flip-flop, which you have to jam both feet into, thereby forcing you to awkwardly hop around the beach. It’s awful. You keep falling over and never make it to the water. Day ruined.

This is a goofy image, right? It should be. Anyone would look silly, hopping around with both feet in one flip-flop. But guess what? It’s about as goofy as someone jamming their personal lives and their business lives into a single phone number on their smartphone. In a time period where it’s so easy to get a second business number  for your smartphone, it makes no sense to just stick with one.

Using a second number just for business gets you plenty of bang for your buck. And it helps you to organize life—especially that critically important work and life balance—in a major fashion. A second number for your smartphone makes things just far easier for yourself, simplifies your day-to-day happenings, and really ups your professionality- big league.

We will be going over all of those benefits in great detail throughout this post (as well as a short, easy how-to when it comes to actually adding that second number for your smartphone!), so read on to find out more!

But first…

Let’s address something the skeptical readers amongst you probably wondering: how does this even work?

It is a pretty fair question. Most people, pretty much since cellphones began to be truly widespread, have associated their cellphone with a single phone number. One number, one cell phone. But over the last few years, that association has begun to become altered in a pretty big way.

With innovative telephony companies like MightyCall becoming incredibly popular, more and more people have been divorcing themselves from the idea of the single number that they have on their phone as being representative of who they are digitally.

In that way, phone numbers are almost becoming like emails; as people have work and personal emails, so too are people beginning to adopt work and personal phone numbers. So the idea of having more than one number on your phone isn’t some odd or hair-brained idea. It’s growing more and more common.

But why? Well, due to the benefits we mentioned in brief above, but will now be dealing with in more detail below!

Packs of Benefits #1 of Getting a Second Phone Number for Your Smartphone: Organization

If you are reading this and you already own a business (or you have looked into owning one), no matter how large, you’re already aware of a critically important fact: organization is absolutely key. It’s cliché, but you know what? It’s true. An unorganized business is going to at best run into all sorts of problems while staying afloat, and will at worst just fail.

Organization starts with you. Having your life organized will make it easier for you to run your business with a clear head. And doing that means having your personal and your private life clearly delineated. One of the easiest ways to go about this? Getting a second phone number for your cellphone.

If you use your personal number for your business activities, then every single time you get a cell phone call, you’re going to have to wonder, going into it, whether or not the caller is a friend with a new number looking to chat or if it’s an angry client. With a second phone number on your cellphone, you can set it up so that you know which of your numbers is being called- your personal number or your business number.

“But stop,” some of you say, “there’s a simple way around that: just carry two phones!” And I mean, look- yeah, carrying two phones is definitely a way around that. For people who work for a company, that might work- if you don’t want to receive work calls, just turn it off. Sure. But if you have a work phone, odds are you may need access to it outside of office hours (and if you own your own business, you probably can’t just completely ignore your business calls whenever you don’t feeeeeel like it).

And not only that, carrying around two phones is annoying. They’re clunky, both need to be charged, and just take up extra space (do you want two phones in your pants? I sure don’t). Having a second phone number on your phone, however, takes up no space whatsoever.

The fact of the matter is that it just makes life easier for yourself to have a second number on your cellphone.

Packs of Benefits #2 of Getting a Second Phone Number for Your Smartphone: Professionality

So this one may not be as apparent as first, but it’s pretty important to understand. A lot of folks have it in their heads—probably from the amount of quick-talking salesmen who for decades have been represented on their television screens and in their movies theaters—that giving a customer or client your personal number is a great idea.

It’s not.

To be clear, once you’re on good terms, or if you desperately need to do so to close a sale, then it can be understandable. Otherwise, it’s just not necessary. Firstly, they probably don’t want some random persons’ personal number. Think about calling to order a pizza. If you knew you were calling the pizza guys’ personal number, and that he might be home playing a board game with his kids- well you probably wouldn’t call to order the pizza! Same deal here. People are going to feel weird calling a personal number, so don’t make them.

Secondly, having a second number for your cellphone (which you can use as your business number) comes across as more professional. You seem like you are more real in that way. You aren’t just a person operating out of your grandmother’s basement- you have your own business number! Having a business number for a lot of people means that you are established and serious. I know, it may sound jokey or a bit eyebrow-raising, but it’s a real phenomenon; these are the kind of things that convince clients to give you their hard-earned cash and their continued business.

How do you get a second phone number for your smartphone?

So if by this point you are convinced—or, at least, you’re marginally more interested than you were before you started reading this!—your next question is going to be the how, as in, “How can I actually make this happen?”

You’ll be glad to know that it’s oftentimes incredibly easy- and with MightyCall, it gets even more so. When you get a second number for your smartphone through MightyCall, you can make calls using your cellphone, either through the cellphone itself or through the MightyCall app. It’s really straightforward.

Plus, if you get a number through MightyCall, that means you also can access, make, and receive calls with your number through your computer or pretty much any web-connected device, dramatically increasing your ability to respond to work-related calls whenever you need to do so.

MightyCall makes it super easy to set up an account. When you do so, you just pick a number that you like—organized by area code, though toll-free and even vanity numbers are available—and in a few minutes, you’re ready to go!

There are three price plans, each with a different amount of numbers you can get, though numbers can always be added (and all plans come with limitless extensions!).

Two heads are better than one…

…and so are two numbers!! Do not go hopping through your business career with both feet in one flip flop. You’ll slow yourself down, the growth of your business down, and your interactions with your clients down. Getting a second number makes you seem more serious and will make your clients take you more seriously. Frankly, it makes running your business easier, and it keeps your private life private and your business life business- and it keeps them both separated.

In this massively competitive, interconnected world, there’s no need to tie yourself down to a single phone number. Give yourself the maximum benefits so that you can size as much opportunity as you possibly can- because you can be sure that your competitors aren’t going to be restricting themselves either. So why should you?

Get a second number for your cellphone today and see for yourself how easy and simple your life becomes with one. Oh, and for the one or two of you out there who actually do only own a single flip fop, you should probably get yourself another one, or just another pair entirely. Just a heads up.

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