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Thank You Letters for Business Partners"/>

Best Thank You Letters for Business Partners

The art of the thank you is one which is both seriously overlooked and yet very important to master. When written correctly, they can convey that you appreciated working with the receiver and that you look forward to building a stronger partnership – but by sending the letter/email, you already are building said partnership. Failure to do so can at best be a lost opportunity and at worst be seen as rude.

Therefore, in this article we’ll be providing a guide with which you can craft the perfect thank you letter for whatever occasion, including letter structure and when you should be writing them.

In this article we cover:

Why you need to write a thank you message for your business partnership

There is not one single reason to write a thank you message, just as there is not one single type of business partnership. Here’s a (by no means exhaustive) list of reasons you should consider writing a thank you message:

  • It leaves a good impression: There’s something old-fashioned, in a good way, about receiving a thank you card. A thank you message shows that the person took the time to write something out which would not gain them a financial benefit, and it conveys that the person cared enough to do so.
  • It keeps you in mind: A thank you letter can go out a week or so after whatever you are thanking the person has wrapped up. In doing so, with your message you keep yourself in the person’s mind after the event has already taken place.
  • It opens up avenues through which to communicate: If you send a thank you card or an email, the person you send it to might respond in kind. Even if the conversation eventually trails off, you’ve still exchanged more words than you would have otherwise.
  • It’s (very) professional: Serious businesses send these messages. Even if you scratched it out with no time to spare, it conveys the image of a business with its stuff together and the time taken to write it out.
  • It allows you to reinforce key messages: Was there something you in particular wanted the receiver to take away from their experience? Maybe you did something under-budget or ahead of schedule? If you carefully construct it, without sound too self-congratulatory, it can help reinforce those points.

When to send thank you notes to your business partner

There are numerous occasions when a note is worth sending to a  partner in the venture. Here are just a few:

  • After a (unique) meeting: If you have a meeting every Monday, it’s best not to send a card weekly. But if you meet up once a quarter, or once in a blue moon, it’s not a bad idea to send one afterwards.
  • After conferences/events: Were you invited to a conference? Send the person a letter.
  • After receiving some sort of help: If a business partner takes the time to help you–financially, with advice, however–you should take the time to thank them.
  • During the Winter holidays: This one just makes sense. People usually write cards around this time anyway- why not take the opportunity to throw in a note of appreciation?
  • After a sale is completed: If you’re in sales, make sure to follow up on larger ones with a thank you note. Notes of appreciation can never hurt.
  • After an interview: Sending a quick thank you email after your interview is never a bad idea.

How to write a thank you letter for a business partnership: step by step guide

The key of how to write a good thank you note is to be genuine in your emotion. If your tone is flat or you seem too focused on future business deal opportunities, the effect won’t register—you’ll just come off as selfish. And that’s a terrible way of how to thank a business partner.

Otherwise, the structure of a thank you note is straightforward and favors conciseness.


It’s essentially a must to use the recipient’s name (first or last, depending on your familiarity) in the greeting.

  • Dear John,
  • Dear Mr. Smith,
  • Dear Addams Family,
Avoid “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Madam or Sir” greetings at all costs. They make your thank-you seem distant—if you don’t know the person’s name, find it out somehow!

The reason for thanks

Lead-ins like “I would like to thank you…,” “I’m just writing to express my appreciation…” are suitable for a formal thank you letter, albeit a bit clichéd. Feel comfortable tweaking this a bit to fit your situation. In less formal cases, make your opening sentence direct and simple: “Thank you for your help.”

  • I wanted to take the time to convey my gratitude for your help regarding [____] recently…
  • You have no idea how much I/we [depending on who you’re writing for] appreciated your help with [______]
  • I wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed doing business with you recently…
Try your best to make this actually sound personal—if it reads like it’s a stock message, that defeats the purpose. The recipient should feel it was their specific time,  business assistance, and/or contribution that you value, and not just anyone who was willing to help.

Compliment, but don’t flatter

If you are not sure of how appropriate it is to give a specific compliment, avoid it.

  • Your team’s effectiveness was much appreciated…
  • Your knowledge of [subject] was greatly beneficial to the project…
Being nice and making it clear that you appreciate the person is a part of it, but if you are too complimentary it may come off as brown-nosing or sarcasm, especially from a  business standpoint. It’s best to use short phrases such as: “we enjoyed your presence” or “your contribution to PROJECT 123 cannot be put into words.”

Refer to the future

Before closing it, express your desire to continue the business connection. While this letter should be short and quick, it does show you are serious about your trade, and not just happy to be at the big boys’ table, so to speak.

  • We’re hosting a conference at our main offices next quarter and would be happy if you would be able to join us there…
  • I hope to do more business cooperation with you in the future…
  • I look forward to our paths crossing again…
If you already have ideas for a future business cooperation, mention it without going into details. “Our company is going to hold IT workshops and would like you to join” — this is a good hint that you value their abilities while demonstrating your confidence in your own work.


In most cases “Best regards” and “Sincerely” are appropriate salutations. You don’t want to get too cute with a salutation unless you know the person well.

  • Sincerely,
  • Best,
  • Thank you once again,
If you prepare it on paper, always sign your name with a pen. You may also include your title or position if the letter is formal. The art of the thank-you demands attention!

Here is an example with a clear structure:

Dear, John

I want to sincerely express my appreciation for the referrals you’ve sent our way lately. They have helped our business immensely and it’s great knowing that we have such an accomplished businessman in our corner. It’s truly been a pleasure.
We’ll keep you updated on any changes or upgrades to our services. We won’t let you or the customers you referred down!
Thank you once again.

Tips for writing thank you message for a business partner

  • Don’t wait: It’s ok if you do not immediately send out a letter, but you don’t want to wait more than a week or so to send out your note of thanks. It’s not a speech, you don’t have to give it out ASAP, but it should be soon.
  • Don’t overdo it: Be nice, but don’t write about the person as if they’re a deity. You’re partnering with someone, not worshiping them.
  • Don’t underdo it: If you’re going to thank someone, thank them. Don’t write something half-intended. Think of it as a short congratulatory speech.

Thank you for your partnership letter examples


It’s important to take note of a strong partnership, especially early on. Business cooperation can be reinforced with a thank you letter for business partnership.

Thank you message for a business partner

Thank you notes to a business partner who runs a company with you

Oftentimes in business it takes two or more to tango, as well in business partners. After that tango, you want to let your business partner know in a thank you note for business partner how much you enjoyed the dance- even if you tripped occasionally. A strong relationship with your business partner can be helped in any way- including some kind words.

When business goes well

Dear Tim,

Just wanted to convey my appreciation so much for your hard and close work these past few months. It’s been a lot but we’ve pulled through swimmingly, and I really appreciate you having my back through all of this. I’m looking forward to the future!

When business does not go well

Dear Tim,

I know we’ve had a rough go of it as of late, but I’m confident we can pull it through. We’re so appreciative of you for keeping your chin up and our spirits up, even when it’s been tough. We’ll make it just yet!

When going out of business

Dear Tim,

Well, it’s been a ride, and huge appreciation for all of the memories and for sticking with me through it all. I wish you luck on your future endeavors and hope that our paths cross again soon! It was a great partnership.

Thank you notes to a business partner who is not running the company with you

When business goes well

Dear Dwight,

As you know we’ve had a great quarter, and much of that is due to your hard work. I massively appreciate your partnership. You’ve been an inspiration to your fellows and we’re thankful to have you as part of the team. Here’s to the future!

When business does not go well

Dear Dwight,

Things have been tight recently, but I’m writing to tell you to stay optimistic. Your work has been crucial to keeping us afloat, and I know that with your positivity we’ll be able to turn it around soon.

When going out of business

Dear Dwight,

I’m writing to wish you a fond farewell and to thank you for all of the work you did for us. You were an incomprehensible benefit, and we wish you all the best. If we can ever be of service please do not hesitate to let us know.

Thank you note to business partner for gift

Any occasion of gift-giving from a business partner is perfect for sending a thank you note. Such gratitude makes you not just a polite business partner, but a caring person. Here are several examples.

Dear Sharon,

Thank you so much for the album! As you know they’re my favorites. I’ve already listened to it twice through! Hope you don’t mind hearing me hum it all of next week.

Dear John,

Thank you so much for the thoughtful present. Your Picasso poster is already sitting in my office! Feel free to stop by whenever you’d like a look.

Thank you for your partnership quotes

When writing thank you notes to your business partner, gratitude goes a long way. It’s important to always draw attention to when co-workers do well in a partnership. Partnering requires that you reinforce the good bits in your thank you message. Here are a couple short samples of doing that:

  • Thanks so much for all your hard work.
  • We wouldn’t have gotten here without you.
  • It’s been a great year, and you’ve been a big part of that!
  • You’re a crucial part of this team.
  • Thanks for the positive attitude!
  • Keep the brilliant ideas coming.
  • You’re an asset to the team.
  • You’ve left a great impression on upper management.
  • We’re looking forward to your great ideas going forward.
  • Quarter Two was a success mostly due to your hard work.
  • Your hard work has paid off in spades.
  • The determination you bring to your job has inspired us all.
  • This company wouldn’t be what it is without you.
  • You’re a key part of our company.
  • Thank you so much for all the time and effort.
  • We couldn’t have done it without you, partner!
  • You made this the success that it was.

Thank you letter for collaboration

Sometimes you have to have business collaboration with folks with whom you usually do not collaborate. In those cases it’s a good idea to send a message. Here are some ways to go about it!

Dear Jim,

This was a wonderful and close business collaboration over the past few months. It was great getting to know how you work, and I hope we have a chance to do so again soon!

Dear Joan,

Working with you these past few weeks has been a real thrill, and I really thought we did so well together. Let me know if you ever have another project where you need an extra set of eyes/hands! You can always come to me for support.

Thank you letter after a business meeting

If business partners see each other quite often, an informal thank-you with some light-hearted joking would be a good way to show your appreciation during a work process. This can be through either a thank you email or a hand-written letter; successfully partnering can be done through either.

For more formal situations, it’s better to send a hand-written note; an email is likely to get buried in the recipient’s inbox.

Here are some examples:

Dear Mr. Tyler,

I would like to thank you for taking the time to meet with me and my colleagues yesterday. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge about the roles and responsibilities required for a project like ours. Your presentation contained several innovative ideas that we are now considering for our project’s structure.
You have our sincere appreciation and we hope to continue collaboration with you in the future. With your permission, I will inform you about our next meeting.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Dear Mrs. Williams,

My colleagues and I wanted to thank you for giving us the chance to pitch you on expanding our business. We know you are an incredibly busy person and we’re grateful you gave us some of your time for a potential collaboration.
If you’d like any other information, a further sample of our work, or something from our end, don’t hesitate to let us know.

For a partner after a new business deal

Obviously after you close a great deal, you have to follow up with a great letter! Here are some ways to go about doing that.

Dear Mr. Johnston,

Just writing to say how excited I am to be going into business with you. I think we’ll accomplish some great things. Here’s to the future!

Dear Ms. Sallyheart,

Just wanted to write to say how thrilled we are to be able to work with you on this project. Please remember my door is always open, and I look forward to getting started!

Universal Thank You Examples

Use these general notes for occasions on which you’ll need to write a thank you letter, such as first-time purchases and deals. You can also set them up as automatic replies or  quick notes of gratitude.

For a new client

Dear Jim,

Thank you so much for purchasing [___] and becoming part of the [____] family! We know you’ll enjoy it, but should you have any further questions don’t ever hesitate to ask.

Dear Sue Ellen,

We’re so happy you decided to turn to [Company Name] for your [product] needs. Our team is standing by to assist you further in any way, shape, or form, and we’re thankful to have your business. Don’t forget to write!

For a repeat client

Dear Joanne,

A whole year of being with us! It means a lot to us to have such loyal and trusting clients, and we want you to know our door is always open. Thank you again!

Personalized Thank You Examples

Sometimes you want to bestow something with a personal touch. Here are several examples to inspire you.

For a first-time client

Dear Christopher,

It’s been great getting to know you recently, and we’re excited and thankful to take you on as a client. Please know I’m always available to help in any way I can.

For a new client

Dear Justine,

Even though we’ve just started working together I already feel that we’re a great fit. I hope you’ll find that our services are a match for your needs, that we’re thankful, and that we’re always ready to help.

Gratitude for fast payment

Dear Steve,

Just wanted to quickly write to thank you for processing the payment so quickly. We know you’re a busy man so it means a lot. Hope to do business again soon!

Thanks to a customer for referring a friend

Dear Peter,

It means a lot to us that you referred your friend, Johnny Stewart, to our company, and we just wanted to write to convey appreciation for being a partner. It’s been great having you as a client and we hope to be able to continue to serve you for a long time to come.

Thanks to an employee for working during a busy time

Dear Emilia,

As you know the past year has been incredibly hectic, and your work has been standout even as it seemed like the walls were closing in on us. Please know that we in management have noticed and deeply appreciate you.

Special thanks for extra effort

Dear Alex,

It’s always worth taking note when someone goes above and beyond, and you certainly have here. Thank you so much for the extra load that you’ve taken on, partner! Keep up the good work!

Birthday thanks for an employee

Dear Jared,

Happy Birthday! Your presence in our office burns as bright as your candles, as does your clear enthusiasm. We appreciate having you as a part of the team and hope you wish to stay with us for years to come!

Gratitude is a Gift That Keeps on Giving

Running a business, with a partner or otherwise, can be really stressful for all involved. When an employee stands out, or even when they just need to be reminded of how valuable they are, saying “Thank you” can go a long way. It’s not a difficult thing to do, either. Just keep the hints in this article in mind, especially these key points:

  • Be brief: You don’t have to write a brief that’s 1000 words long. Send a nice, simple message.
  • Be personal: Try to physically sign it, and try to make it sound like it wasn’t cut and pasted for anyone.
  • Be sincere: Try to point out what they’ve done in particular that deserves appreciation.
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